Wednesday 7 May 2014

Why you need to switch up your skincare routine

When it comes to finding the perfect skincare routine, we all know it can be a long and difficult process. What may work for your best friend, may not necessarily mesh with your skin type, so when you finally do find the right products, it's important to stick with them in order to see results. However, I do believe that there are certain occasions when it is necessary to switch up your skincare routine. I'm not saying you need to go buy new stuff every month; I mean hey, who could afford that? But ideally, you should switch up your skincare every six or seven months. I'm always wary of products that last twelve months or longer anyways. Imagine the amount of preservatives required to make it keep that long? Instead, I suggest opting for more natural skincare with less preservatives, and don't buy the largest size. Buy the normal or smaller size, because keeping products for too long make your jars and bottles a perfect place for bacteria to take root. We do not want that! So, try not to keep your products for longer than half a year. And when they do run out, instead of buying your usual, it may possibly be time for a change.

When you should overhaul your skincare:

1. When the season changes - In the winter people tend to become very dry, so of course you would need to accommodate with a richer moisturizer. On that same note, that wonderful thick moisturizer that helped you survive a super dry winter is probably not appropriate for the summer. Instead, it would make more sense to opt for a light to medium moisturizing lotion. Same thing goes for your cleanser. In the winter you may need a more moisturizing cleanser, perhaps a cleansing cream or milk. In the warmer months, however, you skin may become oilier from all the humidity, thus making a gel cleanser a smarter choice. The weather and the environment around us has a huge influence on your skin, so when it changes, it's important to make the necessary adjustments to keep your skin healthy.

2. As you get older - what may have worked well for you the last ten years of your life may not be cutting it anymore. As you get older, you may need to switch to skincare that is more targeted towards anti-aging. Maybe you need a stronger eye cream, and perhaps you would like to incorporate a hydrating serum to keep your skin supple and wrinkle-free. Face oils are a great addition to your skincare routine as you get older, since they are known for there nourishing abilities.

3. If you move to a new climate - Yes this one may sound strange, but if you are moving from Arizona to say, Toronto, you definitely should consider buying some new skincare. Climate has a huge effect on your skin, which is why so many people complain about dryness or breakouts when they vacation. If you are used to the heat and suddenly relocate to a colder, dryer environment, or vice versa, your skin may suffer. If you are suffering from dryness, you may need to find a more intensive moisturizer as well as switch to a more gentle cleanser. If you your skin starts to break out from moving somewhere with hot temperatures, you may need to buy new products targeted towards balancing your skin and helping it adjust.

4. When your products lose their effectiveness - I'm not entirely sure if it's possibly for you to become immune to skincare, but I have heard from many friends that a once loved product can become completely useless after a year of religious use even though it was so effective in the beginning months. Even so, skin is constantly changing, so what may have worked then may not work now. If something isn't working, it may be best to start searching for something that will.

Okay! So here are what I consider to be the absolute top reasons to switch up your skincare routine. Remember, it's important to find the products that work for you and serve your needs. Good luck finding your perfect skincare routine! Remember, be patient, have faith and keep your receipts (just in case).

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