Saturday, 31 May 2014

Fade Those Pesky Spots

Everyone wants bright, even skin, and today's post is all about the natural ways you can achieve that. Blemishes are definitely annoying, but the marks they leave behind are even worse as they can take as long as months to fade. Not fun. But have no fear; there are many different oils and natural ingredients that can be used to accelerate healing and eliminate those marks in no time!

1. Rosehip Oil - Rosehip oil has become very popular lately, curtesy of Miranda Kerr, who credits her healthy glow to slathering the stuff on at night. Her skin is absolutely beautiful, so when I heard that rosehip oil was her secret, I of course had to give it a try. It is truly very brightening. It has a high concentration of Vitamin C and is also full of healthy antioxidants that work to reverse damage and protect your skin from free radicals. It is very anti-inflammatory, and truly promotes softer, more youthful skin. In terms of consistency, it is definitely a lighter oil, which is ideal as it absorbs incredibly well. The smell isn't bad either, which is always a nice bonus! Be careful though, as rosehip oil is very stimulating, and may be too much for some people, thus causing breakouts.

2. Tamanu Oil - While I liked rose hip oil, I LOVE tamanu oil. This miraculous oil is anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and anti-aging. It is also amazing for those of you looking to even out your skin tone while still treating acne. It works amazingly well on pimples, and just makes your skin so soft. It has skin regenerating properties which help to fade scars while promoting a healthy glow. Many people complain about the smell, which I do admit is rather strong, but I personally don't mind it. Even if I hated the smell I would probably still use it; the skin benefits are worth it! However, if you have a nut allergy, I wouldn't suggest using it.

3. Honey - More than your average sweetener, honey is amazing for your skin. It's a constant ingredient used in DIY face masks and for good reason! It's anti-bacterial (Goodbye acne!) and works as a wonderful moisturizer. It also works beautifully as an overnight spot treatment. Raw Manuka honey is best!

These are the three ingredients that I have found to be most effective at fading dark spots. Remember, just be patient! Skin doesn't miraculously change overnight, but with regular treatment, they'll be gone in no time. Don't think about them, eat a healthy, colourful diet, and be confident in your skin!

What do you guys use to fade dark marks ?

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Sensitive skin: Is all-natural skincare always the better choice?

Lately I've been noticing how popular natural beauty products are becoming. Even classic brands like Nivea and Neutrogena have released natural lines. Many women (and men) have begun to switch out their everyday products for all natural alternatives, whether it be toothpaste, haircare, deodorant, etc. Skincare however, is the major thing that has begun to change. People are becoming more informed about the harmful effects of parabens, sulfates, mineral oil, etc, and are therefore beginning to use natural skincare that is free of those harsh chemicals and preservatives, and instead uses pure extracts from the earth to fulfil everyday beauty needs.These natural products are said to be way healthier for our skin and I do agree to some extent. I never understood the need to include chemicals and artificial fragrance in a basic face cream. We are definitely better without all that; it's just not necessary! However, there are certain situations where it pays to be careful about what natural products you put on your face or body. Just because it's natural doesn't mean that you won't have a reaction. Let me explain.

I went all natural a few months ago in an attempt to steer clear of chemicals and such because I wanted something healthier for my sensitive skin. However, I still didn't see great results from numerous natural, or even organic products. I used high end organic products, to cheap ones you can grab at your local health store, and I still reacted until I realized my grave mistake. I was essentially putting plants on my face and I have ragweed allergies! After doing some research on google, I was horrified to realize that ragweed has some very close relatives; they include chamomile, daisy and cucumber to name a few, all of which are commonly found in tons of natural products. If you have allergies, be sure to read the ingredient list! What may work amazingly well on someone may not work for you if you are sensitive to certain plants or herbs. Tons of fruit extracts are included in natural products as well. Imagine if someone allergic to strawberries unknowingly used a product with strawberry extract. This is when it's best to be careful when it comes to natural skincare.

In addition, people who have sensitive skin should also be cautious. Not every natural substance on this earth is necessarily good for your skin. Peppermint on sensitive skin prone to redness would probably sting pretty bad. Same with rosemary. Some plant extracts and herbs are simply to stimulating and astringent for certain skin types. Here are some examples of ingredients that could be potentially harmful.

- geranium oil
- lemon
- cinnamon (this one makes me cringe)
- peppermint
- lime
- witch hazel
- all citrus (grapefruit, orange)
- sage
- basil

Those are only few ingredients that could possibly irritate sensitive skin. I am simply saying that those with sensitive, reactive, or even allergic skin should be careful - many believe that going all natural will solve their sensitive skin woes, but depending on the individual, it could make matters worse.

However, those who have less sensitive skin may have absolutely no issues with these ingredients, so if it works for you, awesome. If using all natural products is helping your skin to thrive, stick with it! It's definitely better for the environment. If I could use that stuff, believe me I would. But for me, I need to make sure I read the ingredients list thoroughly before purchasing something. If your like me, I find its best to find products with minimal ingredients. There are tons of products out there free of parabens, preservatives, and fragrance without being completely "all-natural." Neutrogena has an ultra gentle fragrance free cream cleanser that contains no preservatives. It's pretty awesome, and is hypoallergenic. Or something like dead sea mud as soap. That stuff is great too. It's all about finding what works for you.

What are your thoughts? Natural or no?

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Hydrate from Within

There is nothing worse then suffering from severe dry skin; it results in flakiness, tightness, and just an overall feeling of discomfort. Whenever I have my insane dry skin days, I find it even hard to smile because it hurts my cheeks too much. Yes, I understand exactly how sad that is.

Many people suffer from dry skin and not just in the winter. For instance, it is now May, and my skin is crazy dry because the season is still in transition. It isn't consistently hot yet, and is instead switching from hot days and colder days, which in turn causes many skin freak outs. Once the weather stabilizes your skin should too, but until then, it's a good idea to find the best ways to deal with your dry skin.

Your first instinct would probably be the go out and buy a heavy cream, and though topical products do yield results, why not try supplementing these creams and serums with a hydrating diet? Yes, there are foods you can eat that will help you to achieve soft skin!

Alright, let's go!

1. Almonds - These little guys are filled with protein and are super rich in vitamin E, both of which work to soften your skin. They also fight aging and protect your skin, leaving your skin smoother and more supple. Grab a handful of these if you need a satisfying afternoon snack, or even for a nice little healthy dessert after dinner.

2. Flaxseeds - flaxseeds are amazing. I absolutely love them, and include a large tablespoon in my morning green smoothie every single day. flaxseeds contain tons of vitamins and minerals and are super high in omega-3 fatty acids which help to promote softer, smoother skin. You can include them in your smoothies like I do, or even grind some up and throw them into your cereals and oatmeal.

3. Cucumber - this crunchy veggies is primarily composed of water making it super hydrating for your skin. Cucumber is great as a snack, in salads, sushi, or even in smoothies.

4. Avocados - Avocados are one of the most beautifying foods you could eat. Yes, it is high in fat, but these are all healthy fats that work to nourish and rejuvenate your skin. They also prevent aging, and help to maintain a youthful skin tone. Try adding some to your sandwiches, salads or just load up on delicious guacamole.

5. Pineapples - pineapple is a great food to eat if you hand soft, hydrated skin. It is very high in vitamin C which helps to promote collagen in your skin, which keeps your skin young and plump. Pineapples are delicious and make for a great snack alone or in smoothies.

And there you have it! Try eating more of these foods and watch your skin becomes more moist and dewey.

P.S If you would like a more extensive guide on how to achieve beautiful skin, I would love to recommend The beauty Detox Solution and The Beauty Detox Foods by Kimberly Snyder. These books are amazing, and give great advice on how to not only achieve beautiful skin, but how to be an overall healthier version of yourself.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Why you need to switch up your skincare routine

When it comes to finding the perfect skincare routine, we all know it can be a long and difficult process. What may work for your best friend, may not necessarily mesh with your skin type, so when you finally do find the right products, it's important to stick with them in order to see results. However, I do believe that there are certain occasions when it is necessary to switch up your skincare routine. I'm not saying you need to go buy new stuff every month; I mean hey, who could afford that? But ideally, you should switch up your skincare every six or seven months. I'm always wary of products that last twelve months or longer anyways. Imagine the amount of preservatives required to make it keep that long? Instead, I suggest opting for more natural skincare with less preservatives, and don't buy the largest size. Buy the normal or smaller size, because keeping products for too long make your jars and bottles a perfect place for bacteria to take root. We do not want that! So, try not to keep your products for longer than half a year. And when they do run out, instead of buying your usual, it may possibly be time for a change.

When you should overhaul your skincare:

1. When the season changes - In the winter people tend to become very dry, so of course you would need to accommodate with a richer moisturizer. On that same note, that wonderful thick moisturizer that helped you survive a super dry winter is probably not appropriate for the summer. Instead, it would make more sense to opt for a light to medium moisturizing lotion. Same thing goes for your cleanser. In the winter you may need a more moisturizing cleanser, perhaps a cleansing cream or milk. In the warmer months, however, you skin may become oilier from all the humidity, thus making a gel cleanser a smarter choice. The weather and the environment around us has a huge influence on your skin, so when it changes, it's important to make the necessary adjustments to keep your skin healthy.

2. As you get older - what may have worked well for you the last ten years of your life may not be cutting it anymore. As you get older, you may need to switch to skincare that is more targeted towards anti-aging. Maybe you need a stronger eye cream, and perhaps you would like to incorporate a hydrating serum to keep your skin supple and wrinkle-free. Face oils are a great addition to your skincare routine as you get older, since they are known for there nourishing abilities.

3. If you move to a new climate - Yes this one may sound strange, but if you are moving from Arizona to say, Toronto, you definitely should consider buying some new skincare. Climate has a huge effect on your skin, which is why so many people complain about dryness or breakouts when they vacation. If you are used to the heat and suddenly relocate to a colder, dryer environment, or vice versa, your skin may suffer. If you are suffering from dryness, you may need to find a more intensive moisturizer as well as switch to a more gentle cleanser. If you your skin starts to break out from moving somewhere with hot temperatures, you may need to buy new products targeted towards balancing your skin and helping it adjust.

4. When your products lose their effectiveness - I'm not entirely sure if it's possibly for you to become immune to skincare, but I have heard from many friends that a once loved product can become completely useless after a year of religious use even though it was so effective in the beginning months. Even so, skin is constantly changing, so what may have worked then may not work now. If something isn't working, it may be best to start searching for something that will.

Okay! So here are what I consider to be the absolute top reasons to switch up your skincare routine. Remember, it's important to find the products that work for you and serve your needs. Good luck finding your perfect skincare routine! Remember, be patient, have faith and keep your receipts (just in case).