Breakouts suck. I break out, my friends break out, pretty much everyone on this planet has had a breakout at some point in their life. Most people credit it to teenage hormones, but if that were the only cause of zits, why do so many people break out in their adult years? The truth is, there are many unexpected things that could be causing you to break out that you never even thought of.
1: food allergies - I believe that food affects our skin very strongly. So while you may be eating all your fruits and veggies, there could be other things that you're eating that could be causing acne, such as dairy and gluten. These are two huge food allergies that many don't think about. You could possibly have an intolerance or food allergy to something which in turn could be causing you to breakout. If you think your eating habits may be the culprit, try an elimination diet where you cut out certain foods one at a time and see how your skin responds.
2: Your phone - Your phone harbours tons of bacteria; think of all the places your phone has been! And that's what your putting against your face. Try to clean your phone more often, or better yet, use earphones or an earpiece when talking on the phone. You may notice a huge difference in your skin.
3: Your hair styling products - Yes, your favourite hairspray or curl cream could be behind what's causing you to break out. Especially if you constantly have your hair down, which could be irritating your skin if your hair is constantly brushing against your face. When applying hairspray, take care to cover and avoid your face. Also, perhaps give more natural hair styling products a try. Coconut oil is probably the best conditioning treatment out there that works really well as a styling cream as well.
4: Your pillowcase - your pillowcase gets dirty like everything else, so imagine the repercussions of putting your clean face against a dirty pillowcase every night? Especially if you use hair products that may transfer onto your pillow and thus your face. Try washing your pillowcases more often, and try sleeping with only clean hair.
And there you have it! Sometimes acne can be caused by the things we never think of. I hope that this post has been helpful to you. Let me know in the comments of any other unexpected things that could cause breakouts! Good luck!